
Application of Gypsum Plaster was started thousand years ago in Internal Walls of Pyramids in Egypt. Now Gyprich range of Gypsum plaster has replaced sand and Cement plaster as the preferred choice for all internal plastering with all leading builders and contractors across India.

Gyprich Plasters offer a full range of specific and multi purpose solutions for all internal plastering Needs and Backgrounds, Gyprich Plaster products are designed to suit either hand or machine application. Their consistent performance, workability and reliability is assured.

Features and Benefits

Faster Construction

Reduced Dependency on River Sand

No need of water curing

Shrinkage Cracks Elimination

Lighter Building Constructions

Compatible with all types of paints

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Environmental Friendly

Affordable and Cost Effective


Gyprich PRIME-200 one coat gypsum plaster is a replacement of traditional sand cement plaster and is suitable for application on most internal surfaces including brick, block and concrete. Gyprich Prime-200 is a natural gypsum plaster having long setting time High coverage workability, and provides smooth finished surface.

Application Areas

Gyprich Prime-200 one coat gypsum plaster can be applied on most internal surfaces like Bricks, Blocks & RCC (Concrete) surfaces.